Instytut Psychiatrii I Neurologii
tomografia komputerowa, rezonans magnetyczny, USG, Doppler, badania laboratoryjne Warszawa
022 458 28 26
ul. Sobieskiego 9
02-957 Warszawa
Chętnie coś z tym zrobię, | 14 Lut, 01:30 | |
Znam Panią Renatę od 1,5 | 11 Lut, 08:53 | |
Strasznie tragiczna sprawa | 2 Lut, 11:09 | |
Przeczytałam opinie na tym | 28 Sty, 13:43 | |
Nie da się złego słowa | 27 Sty, 16:01 | |
Jestem zadowolona z wizyty. | 27 Sty, 13:58 | |
Za to inna lekarka ma sporo | 22 Sty, 02:14 | |
Aktualne? | 10 Sty, 20:54 | |
Dramat, 5 lat straciłam u | 7 Sty, 13:39 | |
Lekarz może nie jest bardzo | 6 Sty, 03:44 |
Psychiatrists are getting
Psychiatrists are getting away with crimes for which Nazi doctors were hanged after Nuremberg trials. They are interpreting imagination, sarcasm, satire, creativity, semantics, allegory and parables AS delusions, psychosis and hallucinations. Emotional distress, dissent, political rebellions, self defense against corrupt governmental workers are being interpreted as mania, chaotic behavior and aggression.
The suspicion of being under surveillance is also being interpreted as delusions, Paranoia. We all know that governments and NSA are spying on most of us.
Compulsive psychiatry must be a very efficient tool of coercion for the corrupt politicians in power.
Psychiatrists use the families scapegoats, the socially weaker, political dissidents, ethnic minorities, mystics, philosophers, women in difficult situations, war veterans, the elderly, targeted individuals, as experimental materials for the pharmaceutical corporations and mind control strategies, for the criminal governments.
Advanced Eugenics methods, Psychological warfare and mind control methodologies are being implemented in the so called psychiatric hospitals, in Poland and around the world. For many captives, or so called patients, the psychiatric hospitals feel like concentrations camps.
Disrespect for cultural differences, subjective experiences and emotional distress.
The mind can not be literally sick nor healthy because the mind is not a physical entity. The mind is the software by which the brain operates; and it is being influenced by education, religion, cultural background, previous life experiences, circumstances and people whom you are interacting with.
The so called chemical imbalance of neurotransmitters (dopamine and serotonin) in the brain is COMPLETELY UNSCIENTIFIC. There are no existing, rigorous scientific methods to measure /or "balance" the levels of neurotransmitters, at cerebral level, in live human beings or animals. This is only PROPAGANDA, advertised by Big Pharma and arrogant, insolent thugs who call themselves doctors of the mind, specialists in perversion of language and censorship.
Although radiologists are looking and analyzing human brains daily, they have no idea how the brain actually operates, they have no idea what is the source and the mechanism of consciousness. Anyone who said that understands the mechanism of @Consciousness, is a complete liar. The human mind and the brain are a mystery. No behavior or misbehavior is / or can be a disease. No belief or disbelief is, or can be a disorder/disease, neither human emotions or subjective experiences. MRI machines are not able to map @Consciousness, only the metabolic functions of the brain.
The theory which claims that "mental illness" is genetic is also 100 % FRAUD, since the entire modern psychiatric model is an absolute pseudo science, which preys on the most vulnerable members of the society, including on our precious children..
Our emotions, social conflicts, economic problems, even behavior, are a source of income for these criminals / psychiatrists, who produce huge source of profits for the pharmaceutical cartels, despotic form of social control, sponsored by corrupt governments.
Psychiatrists and psychologists use @Double Binds, @Double Standards psychological strategies, regarding personal and religious beliefs, in order to cause deliberate @Cognitive Dissonance for their prisoners. @ Diffusion of Responsibility, Nazi style, is also used in order to appear more scientific, authoritative and convincing. The so called mental health workers think of themselves to be all perfect, all wise, and all knowing; who always need money and prestige. In reality they are failed physicians, who are not able to perform in serious medical fields. There are a very few exceptions, of course.
Psychiatrists are viewed by Establishments as being above the law, who give themselves the permission to torture, deprive people of liberty and their human rights, slowly kill them with deadly poisons, and this process is being called euphemistically "science".
If you feel tortured (psychologically and physically) , unfairly imprisoned by those thugs, deliberately poisoned with neuro-toxins: neuroleptics, anti-depressants and sedatives (formally called "medications"), without your approval, please write to European Court of Human Rights, International Criminal Court and United Nations.
You can also contact IAAPA- International Association for Psychiatric Assault.
@Rosenhan Experiment has been repeated in Poland. The analysis and the report will be soon published.
Using psychiatry, a Pseudo scientific information, the Polish Establishment gives itself the permission to interfere in families lives, by testifying with lies and unscientific prognostications, in Polish Courts, with the aim to deprive people of their civil, human and parental rights; destroy deliberately people's lives, causing deliberate despair,and destructive behavior for their targeted victims. Emotional blackmail is very often employed by the governmental workers (judges, social workers, psychiatrists and psychologists), in order to get approval of the subjected individual, for experimentation with harmful drugs
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